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Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

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Your trust is very important to us, and we understand the importance of the security of user information. We will take security measures to protect the security and controllability of your user information in accordance with legal requirements. The following is the "Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy" of Elosdent Medical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Elosdent Medical") website (referred to as this website). When you use the services provided by this website, it indicates that you have read and understood these terms in detail and agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this website. For violations of these rules, Elosdent Medical has the right to take legal and fair remedies. This website may unilaterally modify these terms by updating the webpage at any time without prior notice.


PartLegal Disclaimer

I. Ownership

All materials or content contained on this website are protected by copyright law, and all copyrights (or usage rights) are owned by Elosdent Medical, except for content cited in other ways. Elosdent Medical respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your work has been copied and its manner constitutes infringement, please contact Elosdent Medical at 0755-23080304.


Elosdent Medical has registered trademarks and logos (including but not limited to "Elosdent Medical" and "Elosdent") used and displayed on the website, which are protected by trademark registration. Unauthorized use of the above trademarks by Elosdent Medical may infringe on Elosdent Medical's registered trademark rights. For acts suspected of infringing on Elosdent Medical's registered trademark rights, Elosdent Medical reserves the right to pursue legal liability.


II. Limitation of Liability

We hereby remind you that during the use of this website, you should comply with the laws of the People's Republic of China, not endanger network security, and not use our services to engage in activities that infringe on the reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights, and other legitimate rights and interests of others. Despite the foregoing reminders, we do not assume any responsibility for the purposes and objectives of your use of our services.


III. Third-party Links

This website may contain links to third-party websites or URLs. Whether to access these links will be your own decision, and you shall bear all risks arising therefrom. Elosdent Medical does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, and reliability of any information, data, views, images, statements, or suggestions provided on these links, nor does it endorse or recommend such information. It is not used for publicity or advertising purposes.


Part  Privacy Policy


Elosdent Medical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects your privacy. This Privacy Policy will help you understand what information we collect when you use our products or services, how we use the collected information, and the rights you enjoy. This Privacy Policy applies to various products or services we provide to you, including our company's official website, applications, or other services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Services"). If our specific products and services have specific privacy statements, you can refer to those specific privacy statements to better protect your personal information.


This Privacy Policy mainly explains to you:

a. How we collect your personal information.

b. How we use your personal information.

c. Under what circumstances we share, transfer, and disclose your personal information.

d. How we store your personal information.

e. How we protect your personal information.

f. Your rights.

g. How we handle the personal information of minors.

h. How you can contact us.

i. Terms of updates.


1. How We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect your information based on the principles of legality, reasonableness, and necessity. When providing you with specific services, we will clearly inform you of the information to be collected and its purpose in response to your specific service requests.


Our Role: We are the controller of your data. We understand that you care about how your data is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust. We will handle this with caution and prudence.


It is worth noting that when you access and use third-party products or services through this website, view web pages created by third parties, or use applications developed by third parties, you will be informed that these third parties may collect your information. The collection of user information and permissions by third-party services is obtained with the user's consent and authorization. We ensure that third-party service providers fulfill their legal obligations to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee that these entities will always adhere to our required standards for protection measures. We are not responsible for how third parties use the personal information collected from you, nor can we control their usage.


Service providers should have their own independent privacy protection policies, and the third-party services you use are subject to their privacy policies. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the privacy policies of these third parties. If you find any risks associated with these third-party services, we recommend that you terminate operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.


2. How We Use Your Personal Information


(1) We will keep your personal data up to date; securely store or destroy it; minimize the collection and retention of data needed to provide services to you; protect personal information from leakage, abuse, unauthorized access, and disclosure; and take appropriate technical measures to protect the security of your personal information.


(2) We will use your information for the following purposes:

a. Provide services to you based on your account-related content.

b. Fulfill your service requests, including logging in to the page, viewing various service function data, submitting your interactive information, making changes or providing the information you requested, and providing technical support.

c. Provide other services requested by you as required when collecting information.

d. Maintain the integrity and security of the data technology systems where we store and process your personal information.

e. Detect and investigate information leakage, illegal activities, and fraudulent behavior.

f. Contact you to resolve issues.

g. Other purposes with your permission.


(3) Please note that the above usage methods cover the main ways we use your information. We may provide users with more diverse services as needed through updates to mini-programs or device firmware. When we need to use information for other purposes not specified in this agreement or use information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, we will once again seek your consent through methods such as signing agreements, pop-up prompts, or updating this agreement.

3.When We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information


We will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual outside of our company, except in the following circumstances:


(1) Sharing in Legal Situations: We may share your personal information with external parties in accordance with legal requirements, litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution needs, or as required by administrative or judicial authorities.


(2) Sharing with Explicit Consent: With your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.


(3) Transfer of Information: We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except in the following circumstances:


a. Transfer with Explicit Consent: With your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.

b. In the event of mergers, reorganizations, or bankruptcy liquidations involving platform service providers, or other situations involving mergers, reorganizations, or bankruptcy liquidations, if personal information transfer is involved, we will inform you and request the new company or organization taking over your personal information to continue to be bound by this agreement, to undertake data security responsibilities and obligations. Otherwise, we will require the company, organization, or individual to re-obtain your authorization and consent. If there is no data transferee, the data will be destroyed.


(4) Public Disclosure: We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:


a. With your explicit consent.

b. Disclosure based on legal requirements: In cases where there are mandatory requirements from laws, legal procedures, litigation, or government authorities, we may disclose your personal information.


4. How We Store Your Personal Information


We collect and generate personal information in the People's Republic of China, and store it domestically. Unless otherwise provided by law, the platform will retain your information according to the following deadlines:


(1) During your use of platform services, we will continue to store your information for you and strictly follow national regulations for your data storage work, unless you actively delete or cancel your platform account.


(2) We will regularly back up the collected information according to the platform's data backup strategy.


(3) For the collected information, we will retain it for the shortest period as required by law. After the retention period, we will anonymize the collected information and take technical and managerial measures to separate anonymized data from information that can be used to recover personal identification, and ensure that personal identification is not re-identified in subsequent personal information processing. Your personal information, after anonymization and de-identification, will become circulating data that can be used. The platform does not need to obtain your separate consent for the retention and use of this data.


(4) When you delete information or cancel your platform account, the platform will stop using your personal information and delete your personal information or anonymize it within a certain period.


(5) When we cease operations of our products or services, we will:


c. Promptly cease collecting your personal information.

d. Notify you of the cessation of operations through delivery or announcement.

e. Delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.


5. How We Protect Your Personal Information


(1) We have implemented security measures that comply with industry standards and are reasonably feasible to protect your information, to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of personal information. We use encryption technology to enhance the security of personal information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent personal information from malicious attacks; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; and we hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.


(2) The internet is not an absolutely secure environment. When using platform products or services, we strongly recommend that you do not use communication methods not recommended by the platform to send your information. You can establish contact and share information with each other through our services. When you create communication, transactions, or sharing through our services, you can choose the objects of communication, transactions, or sharing autonomously, as third parties who can see information such as your transaction content, contact information, communication information, or shared content.


(3) In the event of a personal information security incident, we will notify you in accordance with legal requirements: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will notify you of the incident-related information through methods such as email, letters, phone calls, or push notifications. If it is difficult to notify individuals of the information one by one, we will issue announcements through reasonable and effective methods. At the same time, we will also report to regulatory authorities on the handling of personal information security incidents as required.


(4) You fully understand and agree that we will actively take reasonable measures in technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of user accounts; users have the obligation to properly keep their accounts and passwords and use their accounts and passwords correctly and securely. If either party fails to fulfill the above obligations, resulting in situations such as loss of account passwords or account theft, and causing damage to the civil rights of users and others, they shall bear the legal responsibility arising therefrom.


(5) If you discover that someone has impersonated or stolen your platform account and password or any other unauthorized use, you should immediately notify and inform us in an effective manner as required. When you notify us, you should provide your device information (including device CTEI, UDI). Upon receiving your valid request and verifying your identity, we will take corresponding measures (including but not limited to suspending the login and use of the account, unbinding and deleting the smart devices bound to the account, etc.) according to your request or specific circumstances. Any losses caused by taking corresponding measures according to your request shall be borne by you. If you do not provide device information or the device information you provide is untrue, we have the right to reject your request, and any losses caused thereby shall be borne by you.


6. Your Rights


You have the right to access, correct, and delete your personal information during your use of our services. The method of accessing, modifying, and deleting information will depend on the specific service you use. When accessing, correcting, and deleting your personal information, we may require you to verify your identity to ensure the security of your account.


(1) Access to Your Personal Information


You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions as provided by laws and regulations. If you cannot access the personal information we have about you through our platform, you can contact us at any time through the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy to request access.


   For other personal information generated during your use of our products or services, we will provide it to you as long as it does not require too much effort on our part. If you want to exercise your data access rights, please contact us through the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy to request access.


(2) Correction of Your Personal Information


When you find errors in our handling of your personal information, you have the right to request us to correct or supplement it. You can contact us at any time through the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy to request correction of personal information.


We will respond to your request to correct personal information within 15 working days.


(3) Deletion of Your Personal Information


You may request deletion of personal information in the following circumstances:


f. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

g. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

h. If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

i. If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;

j. If we no longer provide products or services to you.


   If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us to delete it promptly, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or agreed upon in this policy.


   After you delete information from our services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but we will delete this information when the backup is updated.


We will respond to your request to delete personal information within 15 working days.


(4) Right to Obtain a Copy of Personal Information


If you need a copy of your personal information, you can contact us through the contact information provided at the end of this "Legal Statement and Privacy Policy" after verifying your identity, and we will provide you with a copy of your personal information in our services (including basic information, identity information), except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or specified in this policy.


(5) Constraint on Information System Automatic Decision-making


In some business functions, we may make decisions based solely on non-human automatic decision-making mechanisms such as information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to request an explanation from us, and we will also provide a method of appeal without infringing on the commercial secrets of this product or the rights of other users or social public interests.


(6) Response to Your Requests


① For security reasons, you may need to provide a written request or other means to prove your identity. We may first require you to verify your identity before processing your request.

② We will respond within 15 working days. If you are not satisfied, you can also lodge a complaint through the customer service contact information specified in this Privacy Policy.

③ For your reasonable requests, we generally do not charge fees, but for repeated requests beyond a reasonable limit, we will charge certain costs as appropriate. We may reject requests that are unfounded, require

④ excessive technical means (such as developing new systems or fundamentally changing existing practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical.

⑤ In some cases, your requests will be rejected, including but not limited to:


   a. Related to the personal information controller's fulfillment of legal obligations;


   b. Directly related to national security and national defense security;


   c. Directly related to public safety, public health, major public interests;


   d. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;


   e. The personal information controller has sufficient evidence to show that the personal information subject has subjective malice or abuses rights;


   f. It is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual involved in order to maintain the major legitimate rights and interests of the individual information subject or other individuals, organizations;


   g. Responding to requests from individuals may cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the individual information subject or other individuals, organizations;


   h. Involving trade secrets.


If we reject your request, we will formally explain the reasons to you.


7. Protection of Minors' Information


We will not knowingly collect or use any personal information of children. We will not intentionally allow children to order our products, contact us, or use any of our online services.


If you are a parent and become aware that your child has provided us with information, you can contact us through the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy under "How to Contact Us." We will cooperate with you to resolve this issue.


Due to differences in local laws and customs regarding the definition of children, we will consider anyone under the age of 14 as a child.


8. How to Contact Us


If you need to inquire about, modify, or correct your personal information, or if you have any questions or complaints about the personal information policy, you can contact us through the following methods:

Customer Service Phone: 0755-23080304


9. Term Updates


Our privacy policy may be changed timely according to business adjustments, changes in laws and regulations, or policies. When the terms of this statement change, we will provide a prompt popup notification on the homepage, indicating the effective date, and seek your consent again. If you continue to use any of the services we provide after adjustments or changes to the privacy policy, we believe this indicates that you have fully read, understood, and accepted the modified privacy agreement and are bound by it.

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